Single Signon Configuration Does not want to work!
(too old to reply)
2005-02-16 01:24:06 UTC

We are running SP Portal 2003 SP1 and I have been trying to configure
Single Signon withour much success. I have followed the Portal
Administrator Documentation and give a domain user account all the
priviledges needed. The same account is running services on Portal and
is dbo of all Sharepoint databases, which are stored on a different
server running SQL Server 2000.

I have tested making ODBC connections to the SQL server from the Portal
server, without any problems. when I populate the fields in Manage
Server Settings for Single Sign-on and click OK, the screen refreshes
and I get a Red Message on top of the page stating, "A Single Sign-on
error has occurred. Please contact an administrator. Details:
Unspecified error"

Application Even viewer shows the following error:
"User MYDOM\DOMACCT failed to configure the single sign-on server. The
error returned was 0x80004005. Verify this account has sufficient
permissions and try again."

I have checked and double-checked the account rights, based on
documentation that came with portal and see no permission issues.

Thank you much for any suggestions. I have attached the log from the
process, because I think it probably explains it better than I can.
Here is the log of what takes place by sso:

?30053B38 00400000 11.0.6715.0 SRVIIS2
Log Created on 02/15/05 16:00:58<br>

0000005D CRI 00000000 000015A0 CResourceManager::ObjectMain Loaded.<BR>

0000005D CRI 00000000 000015A0 CUrlMap::ObjectMain Loaded.<BR>

0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>

0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>

0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>

0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>

0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>

0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>

0000007D CRI 00000000 000015A0
CResourceManager::_GetGlobalConnectionString Global database:
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>

000000BB CRI 00000000 000015A0 CResourceManager::_StaticConstruct
000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 ChangeSSOAdminAndAppMgrStorageFormat()
failed. This is OK tho because we may not be configured.<BR>

000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 Failed to refresh the SSO config
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
in login 'SS2_SSO'. Login fails." Help File: "(null)" Help Context:
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>

0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 User:
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 ImpersonationLevel:

0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>

0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
in login 'SS2_SSO'. Login fails." Help File: "(null)" Help Context:
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>

0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 User:
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>

0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 ImpersonationLevel:

0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>

0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 RefreshSSOConfigIfStale() failed, but
this is OK because we are trying to config<BR>
0000E946 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CCommand::Open() failed<BR>

0000E946 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 ::GetDBOwner failed<BR>

0000E946 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 SetSSODBSecurity() failed<BR>

0000EB1B CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

0000EB4A CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::RefreshSSOConfigIfStale()
0001D5AA CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

0001D5AA CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::RefreshSSOConfigIfStale()
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
in login 'SS2_SSO'. Login fails." Help File: "(null)" Help Context:
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>

00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 User:
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 ImpersonationLevel:

00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>

00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
in login 'SS2_SSO'. Login fails." Help File: "(null)" Help Context:
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>

00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 User:
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>

00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 ImpersonationLevel:

00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>

00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 RefreshSSOConfigIfStale() failed, but
this is OK because we are trying to config<BR>
0002937C CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CCommand::Open() failed<BR>

0002937C CRI 80004005 00000DE0 ::GetDBOwner failed<BR>

0002937C CRI 80004005 00000DE0 SetSSODBSecurity() failed<BR>

0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
in login 'SS2_SSO'. Login fails." Help File: "(null)" Help Context:
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>

0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 User:
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 ImpersonationLevel:

0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>

0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
in login 'SS2_SSO'. Login fails." Help File: "(null)" Help Context:
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>

0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>

0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 User:
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>

0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 ImpersonationLevel:

0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>

0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 RefreshSSOConfigIfStale() failed, but
this is OK because we are trying to config<BR>
0002AA5F CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CCommand::Open() failed<BR>

0002AA5F CRI 80004005 00000DE0 ::GetDBOwner failed<BR>

0002AA5F CRI 80004005 00000DE0 SetSSODBSecurity() failed<BR>

0002C00A CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try

0002C00A CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>

0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>

0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>

0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::RefreshSSOConfigIfStale()
000346ED CRI 00000000 000015F4 Wait on m_hPurgeAuditRecsThreadEvent
returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, so we are shutting down<BR>
000346ED CRI 00000000 00001370 Wait on m_hPurgeAuditRecsThreadEvent
returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, so we are shutting down<BR>
000346ED CRI 00000000 000015A0 CResourceManager::_StaticRelease
Tony Cutlan
2005-05-04 13:28:02 UTC

see my reply to 'Manjos' SSO posting (May 1st, 2005). If you aren't running
W2k3 Server Service Pack 1 then the Kerberos and SPN information applies to
you, if you have installed W2k3 SP1 you'll need to back it all out and start

Good luck,

Post by Joseph
We are running SP Portal 2003 SP1 and I have been trying to configure
Single Signon withour much success. I have followed the Portal
Administrator Documentation and give a domain user account all the
priviledges needed. The same account is running services on Portal and
is dbo of all Sharepoint databases, which are stored on a different
server running SQL Server 2000.
I have tested making ODBC connections to the SQL server from the Portal
server, without any problems. when I populate the fields in Manage
Server Settings for Single Sign-on and click OK, the screen refreshes
and I get a Red Message on top of the page stating, "A Single Sign-on
Unspecified error"
"User MYDOM\DOMACCT failed to configure the single sign-on server. The
error returned was 0x80004005. Verify this account has sufficient
permissions and try again."
I have checked and double-checked the account rights, based on
documentation that came with portal and see no permission issues.
Thank you much for any suggestions. I have attached the log from the
process, because I think it probably explains it better than I can.
?30053B38 00400000 11.0.6715.0 SRVIIS2
Log Created on 02/15/05 16:00:58<br>
0000005D CRI 00000000 000015A0 CResourceManager::ObjectMain Loaded.<BR>
0000005D CRI 00000000 000015A0 CUrlMap::ObjectMain Loaded.<BR>
0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>
0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>
0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>
0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>
0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>
0000006D CRI 00000001 000015A0 Protocol ncalrpc was NOT found<BR>
0000007D CRI 00000000 000015A0
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
000000BB CRI 00000000 000015A0 CResourceManager::_StaticConstruct
000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 ChangeSSOAdminAndAppMgrStorageFormat()
failed. This is OK tho because we may not be configured.<BR>
000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
000000BB CRI 80004005 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
000000BB CRI 8063064A 000015A0 Failed to refresh the SSO config
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>
0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>
0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>
0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>
0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>
0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>
0000E119 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>
0000E119 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>
0000E119 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
0000E119 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 RefreshSSOConfigIfStale() failed, but
this is OK because we are trying to config<BR>
0000E946 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CCommand::Open() failed<BR>
0000E946 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 ::GetDBOwner failed<BR>
0000E946 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 SetSSODBSecurity() failed<BR>
0000EB1B CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
0000EB4A CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
0000EB4A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::RefreshSSOConfigIfStale()
0001D5AA CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
0001D5AA CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
0001D5AA CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::RefreshSSOConfigIfStale()
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>
00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>
00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>
00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>
00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>
00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>
00028B10 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>
00028B10 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>
00028B10 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
00028B10 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 RefreshSSOConfigIfStale() failed, but
this is OK because we are trying to config<BR>
0002937C CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CCommand::Open() failed<BR>
0002937C CRI 80004005 00000DE0 ::GetDBOwner failed<BR>
0002937C CRI 80004005 00000DE0 SetSSODBSecurity() failed<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>
0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>
0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>
0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CResourceManager::CreateSession Error
creating session 'Provider=SQLOLEDB;Extended
Library=dbmssocn;App=SharePoint Portal Services;';'.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 Begin OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 Row #: 0 Source: "Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server" Description: "Cannot open database requested
0 GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}<BR>
0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 End OLE DB error record dump.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 Thread is using process token.<BR>
0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #Begin process token dump<BR>
S-1-5-21-137981764-238564018-677931608-23080 (MYDOM\DOMACCT)<BR>
0002A251 CRI 00000000 00000DE0 TokenType: Primary<BR>
0002A251 CRI 800703F0 00000DE0 #End process token dump<BR>
0002A251 CRI 80004005 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
0002A251 CRI 8063064A 00000DE0 RefreshSSOConfigIfStale() failed, but
this is OK because we are trying to config<BR>
0002AA5F CRI 80004005 00000DE0 CCommand::Open() failed<BR>
0002AA5F CRI 80004005 00000DE0 ::GetDBOwner failed<BR>
0002AA5F CRI 80004005 00000DE0 SetSSODBSecurity() failed<BR>
0002C00A CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession()
failed, we will call IResourceManager::Refresh() to refresh and try
0002C00A CRI 80004005 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
again (second time after a refresh)<BR>
0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 IResourceManager::CreateSession() failed
and SSO is not configured, so returning SSO_E_SSO_NOT_CONFIGURED<BR>
0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::ConnectToSSODB() failed<BR>
0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 ::GetSSOConfig() failed<BR>
0002C00A CRI 8063064A 000014D0 CSSOService::RefreshSSOConfigIfStale()
000346ED CRI 00000000 000015F4 Wait on m_hPurgeAuditRecsThreadEvent
returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, so we are shutting down<BR>
000346ED CRI 00000000 00001370 Wait on m_hPurgeAuditRecsThreadEvent
returned WAIT_OBJECT_0, so we are shutting down<BR>
000346ED CRI 00000000 000015A0 CResourceManager::_StaticRelease